1 form.test public FormH5datetimeTestCase::testNoAccessH5DateOrTimeElement()

Test return value for disabled html_date and html_time elements.

These two Form API elements use an array for #default_value, so, the value callback function html_date_or_time_value_callback needs to take care of converting the array to a string upon submission of a form that contains them.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test, line 2470
Unit tests for the Backdrop Form API.


Tests html5 date and time elements.


public function testNoAccessH5DateOrTimeElement() {
  $values = backdrop_json_decode($this->backdropPost('form-test/no-access-h5date-h5time', array(), 'Submit'));
  // If the value callback html_date_or_time_value_callback() did its job
  // correctly, we'll get strings.
  $this->assertEqual($values['no_access_h5date'], '2023-01-01', 'Correct no_access_h5date value');
  $this->assertEqual($values['no_access_h5time'], '20:30', 'Correct no_access_h5time value');
  $this->assertEqual($values['disabled_h5date'], '2023-01-01', 'Correct disabled_h5date value');
  $this->assertEqual($values['disabled_h5time'], '20:30', 'Correct disabled_h5time value');