1 common.test CommonBackdropRenderTestCase::testBackdropRenderCache()

Tests caching of render items.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test, line 2235
Tests for common.inc functionality.


Tests for backdrop_render().


function testBackdropRenderCache() {
  // Force a request via GET.
  $request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
  // Create an empty element.
  $test_element = array(
    '#cache' => array(
      'cid' => 'render_cache_test',
    '#markup' => '',

  // Render the element and confirm that it goes through the rendering
  // process (which will set $element['#printed']).
  $element = $test_element;
  $this->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), 'No cache hit');

  // Render the element again and confirm that it is retrieved from the cache
  // instead (so $element['#printed'] will not be set).
  $element = $test_element;
  $this->assertFalse(isset($element['#printed']), 'Cache hit');

  // Test that user 1 does not share the cache with other users who have the
  // same roles, even when BACKDROP_CACHE_PER_ROLE is used.
  $user1 = user_load(1);
  $first_authenticated_user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
  $second_authenticated_user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
  $user1->roles = array_intersect($user1->roles, array(BACKDROP_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE));
  // Load all the accounts again, to make sure we have complete account
  // objects.
  $user1 = user_load(1);
  $first_authenticated_user = user_load($first_authenticated_user->uid);
  $second_authenticated_user = user_load($second_authenticated_user->uid);
  $this->assertEqual($user1->roles, $first_authenticated_user->roles, 'User 1 has the same roles as an authenticated user.');
  // Impersonate user 1 and render content that only user 1 should have
  // permission to see.
  $original_user = $GLOBALS['user'];
  $original_session_state = backdrop_save_session();
  $GLOBALS['user'] = $user1;
  $test_element = array(
    '#cache' => array(
      'keys' => array('test'),
      'granularity' => BACKDROP_CACHE_PER_ROLE,
  $element = $test_element;
  $element['#markup'] = 'content for user 1';
  $output = backdrop_render($element);
  $this->assertEqual($output, 'content for user 1');
  // Verify the cache is working by rendering the same element but with
  // different markup passed in; the result should be the same.
  $element = $test_element;
  $element['#markup'] = 'should not be used';
  $output = backdrop_render($element);
  $this->assertEqual($output, 'content for user 1');
  // Verify that the first authenticated user does not see the same content
  // as user 1.
  $GLOBALS['user'] = $first_authenticated_user;
  $element = $test_element;
  $element['#markup'] = 'content for authenticated users';
  $output = backdrop_render($element);
  $this->assertEqual($output, 'content for authenticated users');
  // Verify that the second authenticated user shares the cache with the
  // first authenticated user.
  $GLOBALS['user'] = $second_authenticated_user;
  $element = $test_element;
  $element['#markup'] = 'should not be used';
  $output = backdrop_render($element);
  $this->assertEqual($output, 'content for authenticated users');
  // Restore the original logged-in user.
  $GLOBALS['user'] = $original_user;

  // Restore the previous request method.
  $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $request_method;