1 session.inc backdrop_save_session($status = NULL)

Determines whether to save session data of the current request.

This function allows the caller to temporarily disable writing of session data, should the request end while performing potentially dangerous operations, such as manipulating the global $user object. See http://drupal.org/node/218104 for usage.


$status: Disables writing of session data when FALSE, (re-)enables writing when TRUE.

Return value

FALSE if writing session data has been disabled. Otherwise, TRUE.:


core/includes/session.inc, line 562
User session handling functions.


function backdrop_save_session($status = NULL) {
  // PHP session ID, session, and cookie handling happens in the global scope.
  // This value has to persist across calls to backdrop_static_reset(), since a
  // potentially wrong or disallowed session would be written otherwise.
  static $save_session = TRUE;
  if (isset($status)) {
    $save_session = $status;
  return $save_session;