1 search.module | search_simplify_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary) |
Find words in the original text that matched via search_simplify().
This is called in search_excerpt() if an exact match is not found in the text, so that we can find the derived form that matches.
$key: The keyword to find.
$text: The text to search for the keyword.
$offset: Offset position in $text to start searching at.
$boundary: Text to include in a regular expression that will match a word boundary.
Return value
FALSE if no match is found. If a match is found, return an associative: array with element 'where' giving the position of the match, and element 'keyword' giving the actual word found in the text at that position.
- core/
modules/ search/ search.module, line 1338 - Enables site-wide keyword searching.
function search_simplify_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary) {
$pos = NULL;
$simplified_key = search_simplify($key);
$simplified_text = search_simplify($text);
// Return immediately if simplified key or text are empty.
if (!$simplified_key || !$simplified_text) {
return FALSE;
// Check if we have a match after simplification in the text.
if (!preg_match('/' . $boundary . $simplified_key . $boundary . '/iu', $simplified_text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
return FALSE;
// If we get here, we have a match. Now find the exact location of the match
// and the original text that matched. Start by splitting up the text by all
// potential starting points of the matching text and iterating through them.
$split = array_filter(preg_split('/' . $boundary . '/iu', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE), '_search_excerpt_match_filter');
foreach ($split as $value) {
// Skip starting points before the offset.
if ($value[1] < $offset) {
// Check a window of 80 characters after the starting point for a match,
// based on the size of the excerpt window.
$window = substr($text, $value[1], 80);
$simplified_window = search_simplify($window);
if (strpos($simplified_window, $simplified_key) === 0) {
// We have a match in this window. Store the position of the match.
$pos = $value[1];
// Iterate through the text in the window until we find the full original
// matching text.
$length = strlen($window);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++) {
$keyfound = substr($text, $value[1], $i);
if ($simplified_key == search_simplify($keyfound)) {
return $pos ? array('where' => $pos, 'keyword' => $keyfound) : FALSE;