1 node.test public NodeLayoutRevisionTestCase::testNodeLayoutRevisions()

Tests that the correct layout is used for node revisions.


core/modules/node/tests/node.test, line 1039
Tests for node.module.


Tests that the correct layout is used for node revisions.


public function testNodeLayoutRevisions() {
  $nodes = $this->nodes;

  // The node revision should use the 'custom_node' layout with path node/%.

  // Confirm that our layout shows up on both the original node and its
  // revision.
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $body = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
    $this->assertText($body, 'Correct body text displays for version.');

    // Look for the taylor template (only exists in our layout).
    $this->assertText('taylor', 'Layout template "taylor" found.');

    // Look for the heading of the field body block that exists only in our
    // layout.
    $this->assertText('Node body field', '"Node body field" found.');

    // Look for the body text, which appears only in that field if the context
    // was set properly.
    $this->assertText($body, "\"{$body}\" found.");

  // Enable the node revision override layout 'custom_node_revision' with
  // path node/%/revisions/%/view.

  $layouts = layout_load_all();
  $revision_layout = $layouts['custom_node_revision'];

  // Check the old revision to see that it uses our override layout.
  $node = $nodes[0];
  $body = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
  $this->assertText($body, 'Correct body text displays for version.');

  // Look for the sutro template (only exists in our layout).
  $this->assertText('sutro', 'Layout template "sutro" found.');

  // Look for the heading of the custom block that exists only in our
  // layout.
  $this->assertText('Custom Node Revision layout title', '"Custom Node Revision layout title" found.');

  // Look for the body text, which appears only in that field if the context
  // was set properly.
  $this->assertText($body, "\"{$body}\" found.");