1 node.test | protected NodeAccessBaseTableTestCase::assertTaxonomyPage($is_admin) |
Checks taxonomy/term listings to ensure only accessible nodes are listed.
$is_admin: A boolean indicating whether the current user is an administrator. If TRUE, all nodes should be listed. If FALSE, only public nodes and the user's own private nodes should be listed.
- core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test, line 1794 - Tests for node.module.
- NodeAccessBaseTableTestCase
- Tests for Node Access with a non-node base table.
protected function assertTaxonomyPage($is_admin) {
foreach (array($this->publicTid, $this->privateTid) as $tid_is_private => $tid) {
$this->nids_visible = array();
foreach ($this->xpath("//a[text()='Read more']") as $link) {
$this->assertTrue(preg_match('|node/(\d+)$|', (string) $link['href'], $matches), 'Read more points to a node');
$this->nids_visible[$matches[1]] = TRUE;
foreach ($this->nodesByUser as $uid => $data) {
foreach ($data as $nid => $is_private) {
// Private nodes should be visible on the private term page,
// public nodes should be visible on the public term page.
$should_be_visible = $tid_is_private == $is_private;
// Non-administrators can only see their own nodes on the private
// term page.
if (!$is_admin && $tid_is_private) {
$should_be_visible = $should_be_visible && $uid == $this->webUser->uid;
$this->assertIdentical(isset($this->nids_visible[$nid]), $should_be_visible, strtr('A %private node by user %uid is %visible for user %current_uid on the %tid_is_private page.', array(
'%private' => $is_private ? 'private' : 'public',
'%uid' => $uid,
'%visible' => isset($this->nids_visible[$nid]) ? 'visible' : 'not visible',
'%current_uid' => $this->webUser->uid,
'%tid_is_private' => $tid_is_private ? 'private' : 'public',