- <?php
- * @file
- * Link base test file - contains common functions for testing links.
- */
- class LinkBaseTestClass extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'testing';
- * @var User
- * Stores the logged-in user.
- */
- protected $web_user;
- * @var array
- * The list of permissions assigned to the created web user.
- */
- protected $permissions = array(
- 'access content',
- 'administer content types',
- 'administer fields',
- 'administer nodes',
- 'administer filters',
- 'access administration pages',
- 'create page content',
- );
- function setUp() {
- $modules = func_get_args();
- $modules[] = 'node';
- $modules[] = 'field_ui';
- $modules[] = 'link';
- parent::setUp($modules);
- $this->backdropCreateContentType(array(
- 'type' => 'page',
- 'name' => 'Basic page',
- ));
- $this->web_user = $this->backdropCreateUser($this->permissions);
- $this->backdropLogin($this->web_user);
- }
- protected function createLinkField($node_type = 'page', $settings = array()) {
- $name = strtolower($this->randomName());
- $edit = array(
- 'fields[_add_new_field][label]' => $name,
- 'fields[_add_new_field][field_name]' => $name,
- 'fields[_add_new_field][type]' => 'link_field',
- 'fields[_add_new_field][widget_type]' => 'link_field',
- );
- $field_name = 'field_' . $name;
- $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $node_type . '/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
- $this->backdropPost(NULL, $settings, t('Save settings'));
- $this->assertRaw(t('Saved %label configuration', array('%label' => $name)), 'Field added');
- return $field_name;
- }
- * Check that an element exists in HTML markup.
- *
- * @param $xpath
- * An XPath expression.
- * @param array $arguments
- * An associative array of XPath replacement tokens to pass to
- * BackdropWebTestCase::buildXPathQuery().
- * @param $message
- * The message to display along with the assertion.
- * @param $group
- * The type of assertion - examples are "Browser", "PHP".
- *
- * @return
- * TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * @todo: Consolidate this function with the one provided by admin_bar.test.
- */
- protected function assertElementByXPath($xpath, array $arguments, $message, $group = 'Other') {
- $elements = $this->xpath($xpath, $arguments);
- return $this->assertTrue(!empty($elements[0]), $message, $group);
- }
- }