1 filter.test FilterUnitTestCase::testLineBreakFilter()

Tests the line break filter.


core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test, line 990
Tests for filter.module.


Unit tests for core filters.


function testLineBreakFilter() {
  // Set up dummy filter object.
  $filter = new stdClass();
  $filter->callback = '_filter_autop';

  // Since the line break filter naturally needs plenty of newlines in test
  // strings and expectations, we're using "\n" instead of regular newlines
  // here.
  $tests = array(
    // Single line breaks should be changed to <br /> tags, while paragraphs
    // separated with double line breaks should be enclosed with <p></p> tags.
    "aaa\nbbb\n\nccc" => array(
      "<p>aaa<br />\nbbb</p>\n<p>ccc</p>" => TRUE,
    // Skip contents of certain block tags entirely.
" => array(
      "<script>aaa\nbbb\n\nccc</script>" => TRUE,
      "<style>aaa\nbbb\n\nccc</style>" => TRUE,
      "<pre>aaa\nbbb\n\nccc</pre>" => TRUE,
      "<object>aaa\nbbb\n\nccc</object>" => TRUE,
      "<iframe>aaa\nbbb\n\nccc</iframe>" => TRUE,
    // Skip comments entirely.
    "One. <!-- comment --> Two.\n<!--\nThree.\n-->\n" => array(
      '<!-- comment -->' => TRUE,
      "<!--\nThree.\n-->" => TRUE,
    // Resulting HTML should produce matching paragraph tags.
    '<p><div>  </div></p>' => array(
      "<p>\n<div>  </div>\n</p>" => TRUE,
    '<div><p>  </p></div>' => array(
      "<div>\n</div>" => TRUE,
    '<blockquote><pre>aaa</pre></blockquote>' => array(
      "<blockquote><pre>aaa</pre></blockquote>" => TRUE,
    "<pre>aaa\nbbb\nccc</pre>\nddd\neee" => array(
      "<pre>aaa\nbbb\nccc</pre>" => TRUE,
      "<p>ddd<br />\neee</p>" => TRUE,
    // Comments remain unchanged and subsequent lines/paragraphs are
    // transformed normally.
    "aaa<!--comment-->\n\nbbb\n\nccc\n\nddd<!--comment\nwith line break-->\n\neee\n\nfff" => array(
      "<p>aaa</p>\n<!--comment--><p>\nbbb</p>\n<p>ccc</p>\n<p>ddd</p>" => TRUE,
      "<!--comment\nwith line break--><p>\neee</p>\n<p>fff</p>" => TRUE,
    // Check that a comment in a PRE will result that the text after
    // the comment, but still in PRE, is not transformed.
    "<pre>aaa\nbbb<!-- comment -->\n\nccc</pre>\nddd" => array(
      "<pre>aaa\nbbb<!-- comment -->\n\nccc</pre>" => TRUE,
    // Bug 810824, paragraphs were appearing around iframe tags.
    "<iframe>aaa</iframe>\n\n" => array(
      "<p><iframe>aaa</iframe></p>" => FALSE,
    // Check that tags that close on a separate line do not get an extra
    // <br /> before the closing tag. This is the default formatting output by
    // CKEditor 5 in Backdrop.
    "<h3>\n    indented line\n</h3>" => array(
      "<h3>\n    indented line\n</h3>" => TRUE,
      "<h3>\n    indented line<br />\n</h3>" => FALSE,
    // Check that new lines within block elements have <br /> tags added, but
    // not before the closing tag on a new line.
    "<p>\n    indented line\n    second indented line\n</p>" => array(
      "<p>\n    indented line<br />\n    second indented line\n</p>" => TRUE,
      "<p>\n    indented line<br />\n    second indented line<br />\n</p>" => FALSE,
      "<p>\n    indented line\n    second indented line\n</p>" => FALSE,
    // Check that manually added <br> tags at end of lines don't duplicate
    // another <br /> tag after them. Line breaks are normalized from <br>
    // to <br /> as part of this filter.
    "<p>\n    line before break<br>\n    line after break</p>" => array(
      "<p>\n    line before break<br />\n    line after break</p>" => TRUE,
      "<p>\n    line before break<br><br />\n    line after break</p>" => FALSE,
      "<p>\n    line before break<br /><br />\n    line after break</p>" => FALSE,
  $this->assertFilteredString($filter, $tests);

  // Very long string hitting PCRE limits.
  $limit = max(ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit'), ini_get('pcre.recursion_limit'));
  $source = $this->randomName($limit);
  $result = _filter_autop($source);
  $success = $this->assertEqual($result, '<p>' . $source . "</p>\n", 'Line break filter can process very long strings.');
  if (!$success) {
    $this->verbose("\n" . $source . "\n<hr />\n" . $result);