1 file.field.inc | _file_generic_settings_max_filesize($element, &$form_state) |
Render API callback: Validates the 'Maximum upload size' field.
Ensures that a size has been entered and that it can be parsed by parse_size().
This function is assigned as an #element_validate callback in file_field_instance_settings_form().
- core/
modules/ file/ file.field.inc, line 138 - Field module functionality for the File module.
function _file_generic_settings_max_filesize($element, &$form_state) {
if (!empty($element['#value']) && !is_numeric(parse_size($element['#value']))) {
form_error($element, t('The "!name" option must contain a valid value. You may either leave the text field empty or enter a string like "512" (bytes), "80 KB" (kilobytes) or "50 MB" (megabytes).', array('!name' => t($element['title']))));