1 number.module number_field_instance_settings_form_validate($element, &$form_state, $form)

Form validation handler for number_field_instance_settings_form().

Make sure the maximum setting is greater than or equal to the minimum setting.


core/modules/field/modules/number/number.module, line 115
Defines numeric field types.


function number_field_instance_settings_form_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) {
  $max = $element['max'];
  $min = $element['min'];

  if (!empty($max['#value']) && $max['#value'] < $min['#value']) {
    form_error($max, t('%max must be greater than, or equal to, %min.', array(
      '%max' => $max['#title'],
      '%min' => $min['#title'],

  // Consider the value limits of the database, prevent impossible settings.
  $field_type = $form['#field']['type'];
  if ($field_type == 'number_integer') {
    // @see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/int/
    $min_db_integer = -2147483647;
    $max_db_integer = 2147483647;
    $settings = $form_state['values']['instance']['settings'];

    if (!empty($settings['min']) && $settings['min'] < $min_db_integer) {
      form_error($min, t('%min is smaller than the smallest value the database can save. Choose a value equal to or higher than %db_min.', array(
        '%min' => $settings['min'],
        '%db_min' => $min_db_integer,
    if (!empty($settings['max']) && $settings['max'] > $max_db_integer) {
      form_error($max, t('%max is greater than the largest value the database can save. Choose a value equal to or lower than %db_max.', array(
        '%max' => $settings['max'],
        '%db_max' => $max_db_integer,
  elseif ($field_type == 'number_decimal') {
    // The field settings for precision and scale also dictate the possible
    // min/max values for the field.
    $precision = $form['#field']['settings']['precision'];
    $scale = $form['#field']['settings']['scale'];
    $settings = $form_state['values']['instance']['settings'];

    if (!empty($settings['min'])) {
      $min_value = abs($settings['min']);
      $digits = explode('.', $min_value);

      if (strlen($digits[0]) > $precision - $scale || (isset($digits[1]) && strlen($digits[1]) > $scale)) {
        form_error($min, t('%min exceeds possible values for this field. Choose a number that conforms to precision %prec and scale %scale.', array(
          '%min' => $settings['min'],
          '%prec' => $precision,
          '%scale' => $scale,
    if (!empty($settings['max'])) {
      $max_value = abs($settings['max']);
      $digits = explode('.', $max_value);

      if (strlen($digits[0]) > $precision - $scale || (isset($digits[1]) && strlen($digits[1]) > $scale)) {
        form_error($max, t('%max exceeds possible values for this field. Choose a number that conforms to precision %prec and scale %scale.', array(
          '%max' => $settings['max'],
          '%prec' => $precision,
          '%scale' => $scale,