1 field.api.php | hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) |
Alter widget forms for a specific widget provided by another module.
Modules can implement hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter() to modify a specific widget form, rather than using hook_field_widget_form_alter() and checking the widget type.
$element: The field widget form element as constructed by hook_field_widget_form().
$form_state: An associative array containing the current state of the form.
$context: An associative array containing the following key-value pairs, matching the arguments received by hook_field_widget_form():
- "form": The form structure where widgets are being attached to. This might be a full form structure, or a sub-element of a larger form.
- "field": The field structure.
- "instance": The field instance structure.
- "langcode": The language associated with $items.
- "items": Array of default values for this field.
- "delta": The order of this item in the array of subelements (0, 1, 2, etc).
See also
Related topics
- core/
modules/ field/ field.api.php, line 967 - Hooks provided by the Field module.
function hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
// Code here will only act on widgets of type WIDGET_TYPE. For example,
// hook_field_widget_my_module_autocomplete_form_alter() will only act on
// widgets of type 'my_module_autocomplete'.
$element['#autocomplete_path'] = 'my_module/autocomplete_path';