1 entity.theme.inc | template_preprocess_entity(&$variables) |
Process variables for entity.tpl.php.
- core/
modules/ entity/ entity.theme.inc, line 10 - Holds the Entity module's theme functions.
function template_preprocess_entity(&$variables) {
$variables['view_mode'] = $variables['elements']['#view_mode'];
$variables['entity_type'] = $variables['elements']['#entity_type'];
$entity_type = $variables['entity_type'];
$variables['entity'] = $variables['elements']['#entity'];
$entity = $variables['entity'];
$variables['entity_id'] = $entity->id();
$info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
$variables['title'] = check_plain(entity_label($entity_type, $entity));
$uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
$uri += array('options' => array());
$variables['url'] = $uri && !empty($uri['path']) ? url($uri['path'], $uri['options']) : FALSE;
if (isset($variables['elements']['#page'])) {
// If set by the caller, respect the page property.
$variables['page'] = $variables['elements']['#page'];
else {
// Else, try to automatically detect it.
$variables['page'] = $uri && !empty($uri['path']) && $uri['path'] == $_GET['q'];
// Helpful $content variable for templates.
$variables['content'] = array();
foreach (element_children($variables['elements']) as $key) {
$variables['content'][$key] = $variables['elements'][$key];
if (!empty($info['fieldable'])) {
// Make the field variables available with the appropriate language.
field_attach_preprocess($entity_type, $entity, $variables['content'], $variables);
list(, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
// Gather css classes.
$variables['classes'][] = backdrop_html_class('entity-' . $entity_type);
$variables['classes'][] = backdrop_html_class('entity-' . $entity_type . '-' . $bundle);
if ($variables['view_mode']) {
$variables['classes'][] = backdrop_html_class('view-mode-' . $variables['view_mode']);
// Add suggestions.
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'entity__' . $entity_type;
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'entity__' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle;
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'entity__' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle . '__' . $variables['view_mode'];
if ($id = $entity->id()) {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'entity__' . $entity_type . '__' . $id;