@file Dashboard block displaying information about content types.


Expanded class hierarchy of DashboardContentTypesBlock


core/modules/dashboard/includes/block.node_types.inc, line 6
Dashboard block displaying information about content types.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Typesort descending Description
DashboardContentTypesBlock::__construct function Create a new Block object. Overrides Block::__construct
DashboardContentTypesBlock::getTitle function Return the title of a block as configured in the layout. Overrides Block::getTitle
DashboardContentTypesBlock::getAdminTitle function Return an administrative title that will always have a value. Overrides Block::getAdminTitle
DashboardContentTypesBlock::getAdminPreview function Return a preview for this block. Overrides Block::getAdminPreview
DashboardContentTypesBlock::getContent function Return the content of a block. Overrides Block::getContent
DashboardContentTypesBlock::form function Build the settings form for editing this block. Overrides Block::form
DashboardContentTypesBlock::formSubmit function Submit handler to save the form settings. Overrides Block::formSubmit
Block::formValidate function Validate handler to validate the form settings.
Block::getClone function Clone this block to give it a new UUID but the same configuration.
Block::toArray function Convert the configuration of this block to an array for storage. Overrides LayoutHandler::toArray
Block::getRequiredContexts function Get a list of all required context plugin names for this block.
Block::setContexts function Set the contexts for this block.
Block::checkAccess function Check if this block should be shown based on current contexts.
Block::getBlockInfo function Return the block info for this block, as provided by hook_block_info().
Block::getChildren function Allows an array of "child blocks" for display in the "Add Block" dialog.
Block::getAdminConditionsPreview function Return a fieldset listing any visibility conditions set for this block.
Block::prepare function Do any processing prior to getTitle() and getContent() being called.
LayoutHandler::label function Assemble a human-readable label of this object.
Block::$layout_title public property The Layout's title a block is used in.