- CommentActionsTestCase::testCommentPublishUnpublishActions in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests comment publish and unpublish actions.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentClasses in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests CSS classes on comments.
- CommentStorageController::preSave in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.entity.inc - Overrides EntityDatabaseStorageController::preSave().
- comment_admin_overview in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.admin.inc - Form constructor for the comment overview administration form.
- comment_admin_overview_submit in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.admin.inc - Form submission handler for comment_admin_overview().
- comment_count_unpublished in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Returns a menu title which includes the number of unapproved comments.
- comment_form in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Form constructor for the basic commenting form.
- comment_form_submit in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Form submission handler for comment_form().
- comment_links in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Adds reply, edit, delete, etc. links, depending on user permissions.
- comment_unpublish_action in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Unpublishes a comment.
- EntityReferenceHandlersTestCase::testCommentHandler in core/
modules/ entityreference/ tests/ entityreference.handlers.test - Test the comment-specific overrides of the entity handler.
- template_preprocess_comment in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.theme.inc - Preprocesses variables for comment.tpl.php.