1 ckeditor5_rtl.test | public CKEditor5RtlTestCase::testRtlAdminIcons() |
Test that the CKEditor admin form works correctly with RTL languages.
- core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ ckeditor5_rtl.test, line 54 - Tests for ckeditor.module.
- CKEditor5RtlTestCase
- CKEditor testing class specific for right-to-left languages.
public function testRtlAdminIcons() {
$arabic = language_load('ar');
$notice = '<em class="placeholder">Notice</em>: Undefined index: image_rtl in <em class="placeholder">{closure}()</em>';
$this->backdropGet('admin/config/content/formats/filtered_html', array('language' => $arabic));
// Make sure, there's no php notice.
$this->assertNoRaw($notice, '"Notice: Undefined index: image_rtl in {closure}()" not found');
// Get the settings script tag.
$script_tag = $this->xpath('//script[contains(text(), :string)]', array(':string' => 'window.Backdrop'));
$js_settings = (string) $script_tag[0];
// If something goes wrong, the icon src is only the base url.
$icons = array(
'bulleted-list' => 'ckeditor5\\\/icons\\\/bulleted-list-rtl.svg',
'numbered-list' => 'ckeditor5\\\/icons\\\/numbered-list-rtl.svg',
'undo' => 'ckeditor5\\\/icons\\\/undo-rtl.svg',
'redo' => 'ckeditor5\\\/icons\\\/redo-rtl.svg',
foreach ($icons as $name => $icon) {
$this->assertTrue(preg_match('#' . $icon . '#', $js_settings, $matches), format_string('Image src found for %icon', array('%icon' => $name)));