1 admin_bar.module | admin_bar_admin_bar_replacements($complete) |
Implements hook_admin_bar_replacements().
See also
- core/
modules/ admin_bar/ admin_bar.module, line 438 - Render an administrative bar as a dropdown menu at the top of the window.
function admin_bar_admin_bar_replacements($complete) {
$items = array();
// If the complete menu is output, then it is uncached and will contain the
// current counts already.
if (!$complete) {
// Check whether the users count component is enabled.
$components = config_get('admin_bar.settings', 'components');
if (in_array('admin_bar.users', $components) && ($user_count = admin_bar_get_user_count())) {
// Replace the counters in the cached menu output with current counts.
$items['.admin-bar-users .user-counter-value'] = $user_count;
// Check whether the page links component is enabled.
if (in_array('admin_bar.page', $components)) {
$query = array('query' => array(
'destination' => current_path(),
if (user_access('administer layouts')) {
$layout = layout_get_layout_by_path();
$items['#admin-bar-page-layout'] = l(t('Layout (@layout)', array('@layout' => $layout->title)), 'admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout->name, $query);
$items['#admin-bar-page-layout'] .= theme('admin_bar_links', array('elements' => array(
'#level' => 2,
'#title' => t('Configure'),
'#href' => 'admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout->name . '/configure',
'#options' => $query,
if (user_access('administer themes')) {
global $theme;
$theme_data = list_themes();
$theme_object = $theme_data[$theme];
$items['#admin-bar-page-theme'] = l(t('Theme (@theme)', array('@theme' => $theme_object->info['name'])), 'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme_object->name, $query);
// Check whether the page links component is enabled.
if (in_array('admin_bar.locale', $components)) {
if (module_exists('locale') && language_multilingual()) {
if ($locale_links = admin_bar_locale_links()) {
// Theme the locale links but remove the <ul> element
// so we can swap out the list items for the current <ul> element.
$locale_links['#level'] = 0;
$theme_locale_links = theme('admin_bar_links', array(
'elements' => $locale_links,
$items['.admin-bar-locale-links>ul.dropdown'] = strip_tags($theme_locale_links, '<li><a><span>');
return $items;