Theme functions are used to render UI elements in a consistent way. There are theme functions defined for over 200 elements in Backdrop core, and while many of them are only used for special purposes, many others are used widely; all are available to developers.

Note that you should never call a theme function directly; instead of

$output = theme_something($variables);

you should call

$output = theme('something', $variables);

to allow for setting of default values, overrides, and modifications. See Default theme implementations for more details.

Function Location Summary
theme_text_format_wrapper core/modules/filter/ Returns HTML for a text format-enabled form element.
theme_theme_test core/modules/simpletest/tests/ Returns HTML for the 'theme_test' theme hook used by tests.
theme_theme_test_foo core/modules/simpletest/tests/ Theme function for testing theme('theme_test_foo').
theme_token_tree core/modules/system/ Provide a 'tree' display of nested tokens.
theme_token_tree_link core/modules/system/ Theme a link to a token tree either as a regular link or a dialog.
theme_update_last_check core/modules/update/ Returns HTML for the last time we checked for update data.
theme_update_manager_update_form core/modules/update/ Returns HTML for the first page in the process of updating projects.
theme_update_page core/includes/ Returns HTML for the update page.
theme_update_report core/modules/update/ Returns HTML for the project status report.
theme_update_status_label core/modules/update/ Returns HTML for a label to display for a project's update status.
theme_update_version core/modules/update/ Returns HTML for the version display of a project.
theme_url core/includes/ Returns HTML for a URL form element.
theme_username core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for a username, potentially linked to the user's page.
theme_user_admin_permissions core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for the administer permissions page.
theme_user_admin_roles core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for the role order form.
theme_user_links_page core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for user forms with links instead of tabs.
theme_user_list core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for a list of users.
theme_user_permission_description core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for an individual permission description.
theme_user_signature core/modules/user/ Returns HTML for a user signature.
theme_vertical_tabs core/includes/ Returns HTML for an element's children fieldsets as vertical tabs.
theme_views_container core/modules/views/templates/ Generic <div> container function.
theme_views_form_views_form core/modules/views/templates/ Theme function for a View with form elements: replace the placeholders.
theme_views_mini_pager core/modules/views/templates/
theme_views_ui_build_group_filter_form core/modules/views_ui/ Theme the build group filter form.
theme_views_ui_expose_filter_form core/modules/views_ui/ Theme the expose filter form.
theme_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form core/modules/views_ui/ Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_rearrange_form core/modules/views_ui/ Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_reorder_displays_form core/modules/views_ui/ Turn the reorder form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_style_plugin_table core/modules/views_ui/ Theme the form for the table style plugin
theme_views_ui_view_description core/modules/views_ui/ Display the view description, tags, and type (base table).
theme_views_ui_view_name core/modules/views_ui/ Display the view name and its machine name.
theme_views_ui_view_preview_section core/modules/views_ui/ Returns the HTML for a section of a View being previewed within the Views UI.
theme_views_ui_view_storage core/modules/views_ui/ Display the storage status of the view.
theme_views_view_field core/modules/views/templates/ Display a single views field.
theme_views_view_grouping core/modules/views/templates/ Display a single views grouping.
theme_views_view_mapping_test core/modules/views/tests/views_test/views_test.module Returns HTML for the Mapping Test style.
