1 simpletest_example.test public SimpleTestUnitTestExampleTestCase::testSimpleTestUnitTestExampleFunction()

Test simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date().

Note that no environment is provided; we're just testing the correct behavior of a function when passed specific arguments.


modules/examples/simpletest_example/tests/simpletest_example.test, line 141
An example of simpletest tests.


Although most core test cases are based on BackdropWebTestCase and are functional tests (exercising the web UI) we also have BackdropUnitTestCase, which executes much faster because a Backdrop install does not have to be one. No environment is…


public function testSimpleTestUnitTestExampleFunction() {
  $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date(NULL);
  // Note that test assertion messages should never be translated, so
  // this string is not wrapped in t().
  $message = 'A NULL value should return TRUE.';
  $this->assertTrue($result, $message);

  $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date('');
  $message = 'An empty string should return TRUE.';
  $this->assertTrue($result, $message);

  $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date('0000-00-00');
  $message = 'An "empty" MySQL DATE should return TRUE.';
  $this->assertTrue($result, $message);

  $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date(date('Y-m-d'));
  $message = 'A valid date should return FALSE.';
  $this->assertFalse($result, $message);