1 views_plugin_style.inc views_plugin_style::render_grouping($records, $groupings = array(), $group_rendered = NULL)

Group records as needed for rendering.


$records: An array of records from the view to group.

$groupings: An array of grouping instructions on which fields to group. If empty, the result set will be given a single group with an empty string as a label.

$group_rendered: Boolean value whether to use the rendered or the raw field value for grouping. If set to NULL the return is structured as before Views 7.x-3.0-rc2. After Views 7.x-3.0 this boolean is only used if $groupings is an old-style string or if the rendered option is missing for a grouping instruction.

Return value

The grouped record set.: A nested set structure is generated if multiple grouping fields are used.

    'grouping_field_1:grouping_1' => array(
      'group' => 'grouping_field_1:content_1',
      'rows' => array(
        'grouping_field_2:grouping_a' => array(
          'group' => 'grouping_field_2:content_a',
          'rows' => array(
            $row_index_1 => $row_1,
            $row_index_2 => $row_2,
            // ...
    'grouping_field_1:grouping_2' => array(
      // ...


core/modules/views/plugins/views_plugin_style.inc, line 433
Definition of views_plugin_style.


Base class to define a style plugin handler.


function render_grouping($records, $groupings = array(), $group_rendered = NULL) {
  // This is for backward compatibility, when $groupings was a string
  // containing the ID of a single field.
  if (is_string($groupings)) {
    $rendered = $group_rendered === NULL ? TRUE : $group_rendered;
    $groupings = array(array('field' => $groupings, 'rendered' => $rendered));

  // Make sure fields are rendered
  $sets = array();
  if ($groupings) {
    foreach ($records as $index => $row) {
      // Iterate through configured grouping fields to determine the
      // hierarchically positioned set where the current row belongs to. While
      // iterating, parent groups that do not exist yet, are added.
      $set = &$sets;
      foreach ($groupings as $info) {
        $field = $info['field'];
        $rendered = isset($info['rendered']) ? $info['rendered'] : $group_rendered;
        $rendered_strip = isset($info['rendered_strip']) ? $info['rendered_strip'] : FALSE;
        $grouping = '';
        $group_content = '';
        // Group on the rendered version of the field, not the raw. That way,
        // we can control any special formatting of the grouping field through
        // the admin or theme layer or anywhere else we'd like.
        if (isset($this->view->field[$field])) {
          $group_content = $this->get_field($index, $field);
          if ($this->view->field[$field]->options['label']) {
            $group_content = $this->view->field[$field]->options['label'] . ': ' . $group_content;
          if ($rendered) {
            $grouping = $group_content;
            if ($rendered_strip) {
              $group_content = $grouping = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($group_content));
          else {
            $grouping = $this->get_field_value($index, $field);
            // Not all field handlers return a scalar value,
            // e.g. views_handler_field_field.
            if (!is_scalar($grouping)) {
              $grouping = md5(serialize($grouping));

        // Create the group if it does not exist yet.
        if (empty($set[$grouping])) {
          $set[$grouping]['group'] = $group_content;
          $set[$grouping]['rows'] = array();

        // Move the set reference into the row set of the group we just determined.
        $set = &$set[$grouping]['rows'];
      // Add the row to the hierarchically positioned row set we just determined.
      $set[$index] = $row;
  else {
    // Create a single group with an empty grouping field.
    $sets[''] = array(
      'group' => '',
      'rows' => $records,

  // If this parameter isn't explicitly set, modify the output to be fully
  // backward compatible to code before Views 7.x-3.0-rc2.
  // @TODO Remove this as soon as possible (e.g. October 2020).
  if ($group_rendered === NULL) {
    $old_style_sets = array();
    foreach ($sets as $group) {
      $old_style_sets[$group['group']] = $group['rows'];
    $sets = $old_style_sets;

  return $sets;