1 views_handler_field_math.inc views_handler_field_math::render($values)

Render the field.


$values: The values retrieved from the database.

Overrides views_handler_field_numeric::render


core/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_field_math.inc, line 42
Definition of views_handler_field_math.


Render a mathematical expression as a numeric value


function render($values) {
  include_once BACKDROP_ROOT . '/core/includes/evalmath.inc';
  $tokens = array_map('floatval', $this->get_render_tokens(array()));
  $value = strtr($this->options['expression'], $tokens);
  $expressions = explode(';', $value);
  $math = new EvalMath;
  foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
    if ($expression !== '') {
      $value = $math->evaluate($expression);

  // The rest is directly from views_handler_field_numeric but because it
  // does not allow the value to be passed in, it is copied.

  // Check to see if hiding should happen before adding prefix and suffix.
  if ($this->options['hide_empty'] && empty($value) && ($value !== 0 || $this->options['empty_zero'])) {
    return '';

  if (!empty($this->options['set_precision'])) {
    $precision = $this->options['precision'];
  elseif ($decimal_position = strpos($value, '.')) {
    $precision = strlen(rtrim($value, '0')) - $decimal_position - 1;
  else {
    $precision = 0;

  // Use round first to avoid negative zeros.
  $value = round($value, $precision);
  // Test against both integer zero and float zero.
  if ($this->options['empty_zero'] && ($value === 0 || $value === 0.0)) {
    return '';

  $value = number_format($value, $precision, $this->options['decimal'], $this->options['separator']);

  // Should we format as a plural.
  if (!empty($this->options['format_plural']) && ($value != 0 || !$this->options['empty_zero'])) {
    $value = format_plural($value, $this->options['format_plural_singular'], $this->options['format_plural_plural']);

  return $this->sanitize_value($this->options['prefix'] . $value . $this->options['suffix']);