- <?php
- * @file
- * Path integration.
- */
- * Implements hook_path_info().
- */
- function taxonomy_path_info() {
- $info['taxonomy_term'] = array(
- 'entity type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'label' => t('Taxonomy term'),
- 'pattern label' => t('Default URL alias pattern for taxonomy terms'),
- 'pattern description' => t('Fallback pattern for all taxonomy terms without a specific URL alias pattern below.'),
- 'pattern default' => '[term:vocabulary]/[term:name]',
- 'type delete callback' => 'taxonomy_path_type_delete_callback',
- 'batch update callback' => 'taxonomy_path_bulk_update_batch_process',
- 'batch file' => 'taxonomy.path.inc',
- 'batch file path' => backdrop_get_path('module', 'taxonomy'),
- 'source prefix' => 'taxonomy/term/',
- );
- $languages = array();
- if (module_exists('language')) {
- $languages = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => (object) array(
- 'name' => t('Language neutral'),
- 'langcode' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
- )) + language_list();
- }
- $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
- if (count($vocabularies)) {
- $info['taxonomy_term']['pattern items'] = array();
- $info['taxonomy_term']['pattern items label'] = t('URL alias patterns for specific vocabularies');
- foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary_name => $vocabulary) {
- if (count($languages) && !empty($vocabulary->language)) {
- $info['taxonomy_term']['pattern items'][$vocabulary_name] = t('Default URL alias pattern for all taxonomy terms in the vocabulary %vocab-name (any language)', array('%vocab-name' => $vocabulary->name));
- foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
- $info['taxonomy_term']['pattern items'][$vocabulary_name . '_' . $langcode] = t('Taxonomy terms in the vocabulary %vocab-name in %language', array('%vocab-name' => $vocabulary->name, '%language' => $language->name));
- }
- }
- else {
- $info['taxonomy_term']['pattern items'][$vocabulary_name] = t('Taxonomy terms in the vocabulary %vocab-name', array('%vocab-name' => $vocabulary->name));
- }
- }
- }
- return $info;
- }
- * Callback to delete aliases for taxonomy types.
- */
- function taxonomy_path_type_delete_callback($types) {
- $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'td');
- $query->addField('td', 'tid');
- $query->condition('td.vocabulary', $types, 'IN');
- $tids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
- $sources = array();
- foreach ($tids as $tid) {
- $sources[] = 'taxonomy/term/' . $tid;
- }
- $query = db_delete('url_alias');
- $query->condition('source', $sources, 'IN');
- $query->execute();
- }
- * Batch processing callback; Generate URL aliases for taxonomy terms.
- */
- function taxonomy_path_bulk_update_batch_process(&$context) {
- if (!isset($context['sandbox']['current'])) {
- $context['sandbox']['count'] = 0;
- $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0;
- }
- $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'td');
- $query->addField('td', 'tid');
- $query->condition('td.tid', $context['sandbox']['current'], '>');
- $query->orderBy('td.tid');
- $query->addTag('path_bulk_update');
- $query->addMetaData('entity', 'taxonomy_term');
- if (!empty($context['choices'])) {
- $query->condition('td.vocabulary', $context['choices'], 'IN');
- }
- $query->leftJoin('url_alias', 'ua', "CONCAT('taxonomy/term/', td.tid) = ua.source");
- if ($context['op'] == 'update') {
- $query->isNotNull('ua.source');
- }
- if ($context['op'] == 'generate') {
- $query->isNull('ua.source');
- }
- if (!isset($context['sandbox']['total'])) {
- $context['sandbox']['total'] = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField();
- if (!$context['sandbox']['total']) {
- $context['finished'] = 1;
- return;
- }
- }
- $query->range(0, 25);
- $tids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
- module_load_include('inc', 'path');
- path_verbose_suspend();
- $terms = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($tids);
- foreach ($terms as $term) {
- if (path_save_automatic_entity_alias($term)) {
- $context['results']['total']['taxonomy_term'] += 1;
- }
- }
- path_verbose_resume();
- $context['sandbox']['count'] += count($tids);
- $context['sandbox']['current'] = max($tids);
- $context['message'] = t('Updated alias for term @tid.', array('@tid' => end($tids)));
- if ($context['sandbox']['count'] != $context['sandbox']['total']) {
- $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['count'] / $context['sandbox']['total'];
- }
- }