1 menu.test MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuLoadArgumentsInheritance()

Tests inheritance of 'load arguments'.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/menu.test, line 531
Provides SimpleTests for menu.inc.




function testMenuLoadArgumentsInheritance() {
  $expected = array(
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%' => array(
      2 => array('menu_test_argument_load' => array(3)),
      3 => NULL,
    // Arguments are inherited to normal children.
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/default' => array(
      2 => array('menu_test_argument_load' => array(3)),
      3 => NULL,
    // Arguments are inherited to tab children.
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/task' => array(
      2 => array('menu_test_argument_load' => array(3)),
      3 => NULL,
    // Arguments are only inherited to the same loader functions.
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/common-loader' => array(
      2 => array('menu_test_argument_load' => array(3)),
      3 => 'menu_test_other_argument_load',
    // Arguments are not inherited to children not using the same loader
    // function.
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/different-loaders-1' => array(
      2 => NULL,
      3 => 'menu_test_argument_load',
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/different-loaders-2' => array(
      2 => 'menu_test_other_argument_load',
      3 => NULL,
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/different-loaders-3' => array(
      2 => NULL,
      3 => NULL,
    // Explicit loader arguments should not be overridden by parent.
    'menu-test/arguments/%/%/explicit-arguments' => array(
      2 => array('menu_test_argument_load' => array()),
      3 => NULL,

  foreach ($expected as $router_path => $load_functions) {
    $router_item = $this->menuLoadRouter($router_path);
    $this->assertIdentical(unserialize($router_item['load_functions']), $load_functions, format_string('Expected load functions for router %router_path', array('%router_path' => $router_path)));