1 icon.test protected IconTestCase::testIconAttributes()

Test that rendered icons have the expected content and attributes.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/icon.test, line 96
Tests for displaying and overriding icons in Backdrop.


Tests providing and overriding icons from both modules and themes.


protected function testIconAttributes() {
  $options_alt = array(
    'alt' => 'Hello world',
  $expected_alt = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 256 256" fill="currentColor" class="icon icon--circle-fill"><title>Hello world</title><path d="M232,128A104,104,0,1,1,128,24,104.13,104.13,0,0,1,232,128Z"/></svg>';
  $icon = icon('circle-fill', $options_alt);
  $this->assertEqual($icon, $expected_alt, 'Alt option properly converted to title dom element.');

  $options_dimensions = array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'width' => 99,
      'height' => 99,
  $expected_dimensions = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 256 256" fill="currentColor" width="99" height="99" aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon--line-vertical"><path d="M136,24V232a8,8,0,0,1-16,0V24a8,8,0,0,1,16,0Z"/></svg>';
  $icon = icon('line-vertical', $options_dimensions);
  $this->assertEqual($icon, $expected_dimensions, 'Width and height attributes properly added.');

  $options_fill = array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'fill' => 'red',
  $expected_fill = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 256 256" fill="red" aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon--dot"><path d="M140,128a12,12,0,1,1-12-12A12,12,0,0,1,140,128Z"/></svg>';
  $icon = icon('dot', $options_fill);
  $this->assertEqual($icon, $expected_fill, 'Value of fill attribute properly overridden.');

  // Remove title tag if alt option is an empty string, low level check.
  $initial_svg = '<svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Hello world</title><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"></circle></svg>';
  $options = array(
    'alt' => '',
    'aria-hidden' => 'true',
  $expected_svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true"><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"/></svg>';
  $updated_svg = image_add_svg_attributes($initial_svg, $options);
  $this->assertEqual($updated_svg, $expected_svg, 'Title tag stripped and aria attribute added properly.');

  // Make sure, a comment does not break attribute handling.
  $initial_svg = '<!-- Some vendor comment --><svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"></circle></svg>';
  $options = array(
    'alt' => 'Some alternative text',
    'fill' => 'blue',
  $expected_svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="blue"><title>Some alternative text</title><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"/></svg>';
  $updated_svg = image_add_svg_attributes($initial_svg, $options);
  $this->assertEqual($updated_svg, $expected_svg, 'Addition of title and attribute works with comment in svg file.');

  // Unlikely but possible: a comment as first item in svg tag.
  $initial_svg = '<svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><!-- Comment --><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"></circle></svg>';
  $options = array(
    'alt' => 'Some alternative text',
    'fill' => 'green',
  $expected_svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="green"><title>Some alternative text</title><!-- Comment --><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="4"/></svg>';
  $updated_svg = image_add_svg_attributes($initial_svg, $options);
  $this->assertEqual($updated_svg, $expected_svg, 'Addition of title and attribute works with comment as first child of svg tag.');