1 node.test protected NodePageCacheTest::testNodeUpdateInsertCache()

Test node update and insert with entity cache.

Make sure that creating a new node does not affect existing entity cache records, and updating a node only acts on the affected cid.


core/modules/node/tests/node.test, line 3821
Tests for node.module.


Tests the cache invalidation of node operations.


protected function testNodeUpdateInsertCache() {
  $node_one = $this->backdropCreateNode(array('title' => 'Node one'));
  $node_two = $this->backdropCreateNode(array('title' => 'Node two'));
  $ids = array($node_one->nid, $node_two->nid);
  $query = 'SELECT * FROM {cache_entity_node}';

  // Trigger caching for both nodes and get cache records.
  $cached = db_query($query)->fetchAllAssoc('cid');
  $this->assertEqual(count($cached), 2, 'Both nodes have a record in table cache_entity_node.');

  // Update one of the nodes.
  $updated_title = 'Node two updated';
  $edit = array('title' => $updated_title);
  $this->backdropPost('node/' . $node_two->nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));

  // Check records in the entity cache database table after updating a node.
  $cached_after_update = db_query($query)->fetchAllAssoc('cid');
  $this->assertEqual(count($cached_after_update), 2, 'Both nodes still have a record in table cache_entity_node.');
  $this->assertEqual($cached_after_update[1]->created, $cached[1]->created, 'Cache timestamp of node 1 is unchanged.');
  $this->assertNotEqual($cached_after_update[2]->created, $cached[2]->created, 'Cache timestamp of node 2 has changed after updating.');
  $node_data = unserialize($cached_after_update[2]->data);
  $this->assertEqual($node_data->title, $updated_title, 'Cached node title is correct after updating.');

  // Create a new page node.
  $edit = array('title' => 'Node three');
  $this->backdropPost('node/add/page', $edit, t('Save'));

  // Check records again.
  $cached_after_insert = db_query($query)->fetchAllAssoc('cid');
  $this->assertEqual(count($cached_after_insert), 3, 'All three nodes have a record in table cache_entity_node.');
  $this->assertEqual($cached_after_insert[1]->created, $cached[1]->created, 'Cache timestamp of node 1 is unchanged.');