Functions to load and save information about file displays.


core/modules/file/file.module, line 2181
Defines a "managed_file" Form API field and a "file" field for Field module.


Namesort ascending Location Description
file_display_save core/modules/file/file.module Saves a {file_display} array to config.
file_display_load core/modules/file/file.module Returns an array with a single value. The key is the formatter name, and the value is a {file_display} array for the file type.
file_displays_load Deprecated core/modules/file/file.module Returns a single {file_display} array for the file type.
file_displays Deprecated core/modules/file/file.module Returns the display to use for a file type in a given view mode.
file_display core/modules/file/file.module Returns an array containing a single display to use for a file type in a given view mode.