1 file.entity.inc public FileStorageController::view($files, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $page = NULL)

Overrides DefaultEntityController::view().

Overrides DefaultEntityController::view


core/modules/file/file.entity.inc, line 376
Entity controller and class for files.


File storage controller for files.


public function view($files, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  global $language_content;
  $langcode = $langcode ? $langcode : $language_content->langcode;

  $view = array();
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    /* @var File $file */
    // Populate $file->content with a render() array.
    $this->buildContent($file, $view_mode, $langcode);

    $build = $file->content;
    // We don't need duplicate rendering info in $file->content.

    $build += array(
      '#theme' => 'file_entity',
      '#file' => $file,
      '#view_mode' => $view_mode,
      '#language' => $langcode,
      '#page' => $page,

    // Add contextual links for this file, except when the file is already
    // being displayed on its own page. Modules may alter this behavior (for
    // example, to restrict contextual links to certain view modes) by
    // implementing hook_file_view_alter().
    if (!empty($file->fid) && !($view_mode == 'full' && file_is_page($file))) {
      $build['#contextual_links']['file'] = array('file', array($file->fid));

    // Allow modules to modify the structured file.
    $type = 'file';
    backdrop_alter(array('file_view', 'entity_view'), $build, $type);
    $view[$type][$file->id()] = $build;

  return $view;