Defines a common interface for entity controller classes.

All entity controller classes specified via the 'controller class' key returned by hook_entity_info() or hook_entity_info_alter() have to implement this interface.

Most simple, SQL-based entity controllers will do better by extending DefaultEntityController instead of implementing this interface directly.

Implemented by


Expanded class hierarchy of EntityControllerInterface


core/modules/entity/, line 18
Entity API controller classes and interface.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifierssort descending Type Description
EntityControllerInterface::resetCache public function Resets the internal, static entity cache.
EntityControllerInterface::load public function Loads one or more entities.
EntityControllerInterface::resetStaticCache public function Resets the internal, static entity cache.
EntityControllerInterface::buildContent public function Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.
EntityControllerInterface::view public function Creates a rendered entity.