- <?php
- * @file
- * Test Date module theme functions.
- */
- * Testing date theme functions to render dates correctly.
- */
- class DateThemeTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- * Test date_display_single theme function.
- */
- public function testDateDisplaySingle() {
- $variables = array(
- 'date' => '2019-03-29T12:00+0100',
- 'timezone' => '+0100',
- 'dates' => array(
- 'format' => 'Y-m-d\TH:iO',
- ),
- 'attributes' => array(),
- );
- $expected = '<span class="date-display-single">2019-03-29T12:00+0100</span>';
- $output = theme('date_display_single', $variables);
- $success = $this->assertEqual($expected, $output, 'Single date with offset renders correctly.');
- if (!$success) {
- $this->verbose('<br />Expected:<pre>' . check_plain($expected) . '</pre>Got:<pre>' . check_plain($output) . '</pre>');
- }
- $variables = array(
- 'date' => 'Europe/Berlin',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
- 'dates' => array(
- 'format' => 'e',
- ),
- 'attributes' => array(),
- );
- $expected = '<span class="date-display-single">Europe/Berlin</span>';
- $output = theme('date_display_single', $variables);
- $success = $this->assertEqual($expected, $output, 'Single date as timezone identifier renders correctly.');
- if (!$success) {
- $this->verbose('<br />Expected:<pre>' . check_plain($expected) . '</pre>Got:<pre>' . check_plain($output) . '</pre>');
- }
- }
- * Test date_display_combination theme function.
- */
- public function testDateDisplayCombination() {
- $stdobj = new stdClass();
- $stdobj->date_id = '';
- $variables = array(
- 'entity' => $stdobj,
- 'entity_type' => 'stdobj',
- 'dates' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- 'formatted' => '2019-03-20 10:00',
- 'formatted_date' => '2019-03-20',
- 'formatted_time' => '10:00',
- 'formatted_timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
- ),
- 'value2' => array(
- 'formatted' => '2019-03-20 16:00',
- 'formatted_date' => '2019-03-20',
- 'formatted_time' => '16:00',
- ),
- ),
- 'field' => array(
- 'field_name' => 'date_test_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'granularity' => array('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'),
- ),
- ),
- 'display' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'type' => 'date_default',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'format_type' => 'long',
- 'show_repeat_rule' => 'show',
- 'multiple_number' => '',
- 'multiple_from' => '',
- 'multiple_to' => '',
- 'fromto' => 'both',
- ),
- 'module' => 'date',
- 'weight' => 0 ,
- ),
- 'show_remaining_days' => '',
- );
- $expected = '<span class="date-display-single">2019-03-20 <span class="date-display-range">';
- $expected .= '<span class="date-display-start">10:00</span> to <span class="date-display-end">16:00 Europe/Berlin</span></span></span>';
- $output = theme('date_display_combination', $variables);
- $success = $this->assertEqual($expected, $output, 'Start and end date on same day with timezone renders correctly.');
- if (!$success) {
- $this->verbose('<br />Expected:<pre>' . check_plain($expected) . '</pre>Got:<pre>' . check_plain($output) . '</pre>');
- }
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted'] = '2019-03-12T12:00+0100';
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_date'] = '2019-03-12';
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_time'] = '12:00';
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_timezone'] = '+0200';
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted'] = '2019-04-12T12:00+0200';
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted_date'] = '2019-04-12';
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted_time'] = '12:00';
- $expected = '<span class="date-display-range"><span class="date-display-start">2019-03-12T12:00+0100</span> to ';
- $expected .= '<span class="date-display-end">2019-04-12T12:00+0200</span></span>';
- $output = theme('date_display_combination', $variables);
- $success = $this->assertEqual($expected, $output, 'Start and end date on different days, with offset is rendered correctly.');
- if (!$success) {
- $this->verbose('<br />Expected:<pre>' . check_plain($expected) . '</pre>Got:<pre>' . check_plain($output) . '</pre>');
- }
- $timezone = date_default_timezone();
- $dateTimeStart = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($timezone));
- $currentHour = $dateTimeStart->format('G');
- if ($currentHour > 22) {
- $dateTimeStart->modify('- 1 hour');
- $days_remaining = 6;
- }
- else {
- $days_remaining = 7;
- }
- $dateTimeStart->modify('+ 1 week');
- $dateTimeEnd = clone $dateTimeStart;
- $dateTimeEnd->modify('+ 1 hour');
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted'] = $dateTimeStart->format('d.m.Y - H:i e');
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_date'] = $dateTimeStart->format('d.m.Y');
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_time'] = $dateTimeStart->format('H:i');
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_timezone'] = $timezone;
- $variables['dates']['value']['formatted_iso'] = $dateTimeStart->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO');
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted'] = $dateTimeEnd->format('d.m.Y - H:i e');
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted_date'] = $dateTimeEnd->format('d.m.Y');
- $variables['dates']['value2']['formatted_time'] = $dateTimeEnd->format('H:i');
- $variables['show_remaining_days'] = 1;
- $expected = '<span class="date-display-single">' . $dateTimeStart->format('d.m.Y') . ' - <span class="date-display-range">';
- $expected .= '<span class="date-display-start">' . $dateTimeStart->format('H:i') . '</span> to ';
- $expected .= '<span class="date-display-end">' . $dateTimeEnd->format('H:i e') . '</span></span> </span>';
- $expected .= '<div class="date-display-remaining"><span class="date-display-remaining">' . $days_remaining . ' days remaining to event.</span></div>';
- $output = theme('date_display_combination', $variables);
- $success = $this->assertEqual($expected, $output, 'Start and end date on same day with timezone, with remaining days is rendered correctly.');
- if (!$success) {
- $this->verbose('<br />Expected:<pre>' . check_plain($expected) . '</pre>Got:<pre>' . check_plain($output) . '</pre>');
- }
- }
- }