Definition of views_handler_field_comment_link_edit.
<?php /** * @file * Definition of views_handler_field_comment_link_edit. */ /** * Field handler to present a link to edit a comment. * * @ingroup views_field_handlers */ class views_handler_field_comment_link_edit extends views_handler_field_comment_link { function option_definition() { $options = parent::option_definition(); $options['destination'] = array('default' => FALSE, 'bool' => TRUE); return $options; } function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { parent::options_form($form, $form_state); $form['destination'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use destination'), '#description' => t('Add destination to the link'), '#default_value' => $this->options['destination'], '#fieldset' => 'more', ); } function render_link($data, $values) { parent::render_link($data, $values); // ensure user has access to edit this comment. $comment = $this->get_value($values); if (!comment_access('update', $comment)) { return; } $text = !empty($this->options['text']) ? $this->options['text'] : t('edit'); unset($this->options['alter']['fragment']); if (!empty($this->options['destination'])) { $this->options['alter']['query'] = backdrop_get_destination(); } $this->options['alter']['path'] = "comment/" . $comment->cid . "/edit"; return $text; } }