- <?php
- * @file
- * Documentation for CKEditor module APIs.
- */
- * @addtogroup hooks
- * @{
- */
- * Provides a list of CKEditor plugins.
- *
- * Each plugin for CKEditor must provide an array of properties containing
- * information about the plugin. Available properties for each plugin include:
- *
- * - library: An array specifying the module and library key provided by
- * hook_library_info(). Each plugin should provide a library to define its JS
- * and CSS files.
- * - enabled_callback: String containing a function name that can determine if
- * this plugin should be enabled based on the current editor configuration.
- * See the hook_ckeditor5_PLUGIN_plugin_check() function for an example.
- * This can also be set to the boolean TRUE to always enable a plugin.
- * - pseudo_plugin: Optional. Boolean indicating this entry is not a real
- * plugin that needs to be loaded. This can be used to provide additional
- * default configuration with an enabled_callback.
- * - plugin_dependencies: An array of other plugin names on which this button
- * depends. Note dependencies can also be specified on a per-button basis
- * within the "buttons" property.
- * - buttons: An array of buttons that are provided by this plugin. Each button
- * should be keyed by its CKEditor button name, and should contain an array
- * of button properties, including:
- * - label: A human-readable, translated button name.
- * - image: An image for the button to be used in the toolbar.
- * - image_rtl: If the image needs to have a right-to-left version, specify
- * an alternative file that will be used in RTL editors.
- * - image_alternative: If this button does not render as an image, specify
- * an HTML string representing the contents of this button. This alternative
- * will only be used in the administrative section for assembling the
- * toolbar.
- * - attributes: An array of HTML attributes which should be added to this
- * button when rendering the button in the administrative section for
- * assembling the toolbar.
- * - multiple: Boolean value indicating if this button may be added multiple
- * times to the toolbar. This typically is only applicable for dividers and
- * group indicators.
- * - required_html: If this button requires certain HTML tags or attributes
- * to be allowed, specify an array for each set of tags that should be
- * allowed. For example:
- * @code
- * array(
- * '<a href alt class="external internal">'
- * );
- * @endcode
- * Note this differs from the CKEditor 4 configuration, which used a nested
- * array.
- * - plugin_dependencies: An array of other plugin names on which this button
- * depends. This can be useful if this plugin provides multiple buttons.
- * If this plugin always has a dependency regardless of the buttons used,
- * specify plugin_dependencies at the plugin level.
- * - optional_html: If this button can work with or without certain tags or
- * attributes in a reduced manner, then specify additional values that can
- * be used to provide the full functionality. This should match the same
- * format as the "required_html" return value.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of plugin definitions, keyed by the plugin name.
- *
- * @see ckeditor5_ckeditor5_plugins()
- * @see hook_ckeditor5_PLUGIN_plugin_check()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_plugins() {
- $plugins['myPlugin.MyPlugin'] = array(
- 'library' => array('my_module', 'my_module.ckeditor5.myplugin'),
- 'css' => array(backdrop_get_path('module', 'my_module') . '/css/myplugin.css'),
- 'enabled_callback' => 'my_module_myplugin_plugin_check',
- 'buttons' => array(
- 'myButton' => array(
- 'library' => array('my_module', 'my-module-ckeditor5-plugin'),
- 'label' => t('My custom button'),
- 'required_html' => array(
- '<a href alt class="external internal">',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- return $plugins;
- }
- * Modify the list of available CKEditor plugins.
- *
- * This hook may be used to modify plugin properties after they have been
- * specified by other modules.
- *
- * @param array $plugins
- * An array of all the existing plugin definitions, passed by reference.
- *
- * @see hook_ckeditor5_plugins()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_plugins_alter(array &$plugins) {
- $plugins['someplugin']['enabled callback'] = 'my_module_someplugin_enabled_callback';
- }
- * Modify the list of CSS files that will be added to a CKEditor 5 instance.
- *
- * Modules may use this hook to provide their own custom CSS file without
- * providing a CKEditor plugin.
- *
- * Because this hook is only called for modules and the active theme, front-end
- * themes will not be able to use this hook to add their own CSS files if a
- * different admin theme is active. Instead, front-end themes and base themes
- * may specify CSS files to be added to the page with CKEditor 5 instances
- * through an entry in their .info file:
- *
- * @code
- * ckeditor5_stylesheets[] = css/ckeditor5-styles.css
- * @endcode
- *
- * Note that unlike CKEditor 4 that used an iframe, CKEditor 5 includes the
- * editor directly on the page. Styles added through this hook may affect other
- * parts of the page. To limit the effect of the CSS to just the CKEditor
- * instance, all CSS selectors within this file should be prefixed with
- * ".ck-content". For example:
- *
- * @code
- * .ck-content blockquote {
- * border-left: 5px solid #ccc;
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * @param array $css
- * An array of CSS files, passed by reference. This is a flat list of file
- * paths relative to the Backdrop root.
- *
- * @see _ckeditor5_theme_css()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_css_alter(array &$css) {
- $css[] = backdrop_get_path('module', 'my_module') . '/css/my_module-ckeditor5.css';
- }
- * Modify the raw CKEditor settings passed to the editor.
- *
- * This hook can be useful if you have created a CKEditor plugin that needs
- * additional settings passed to it from Backdrop. In particular, because
- * CKEditor loads JavaScript files directly, use of Backdrop.t() in these
- * plugins will not work. You may use this hook to provide translated strings
- * for your plugin.
- *
- * @param array $settings
- * The array of settings that will be passed to CKEditor.
- * @param object $format
- * The filter format object containing this editor's settings.
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_settings_alter(array &$settings, $format) {
- foreach ($format->editor_settings['toolbar'] as $row) {
- foreach ($row as $button_group) {
- if (array_key_exists('MyPlugin', $button_group)) {
- $settings['backdrop']['myplugin_settings'] = $format->editor_settings['myplugin_settings'];
- $settings['backdrop']['myplugin_help'] = t('A translated string example that will be used by CKEditor.');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Specify the button mapping used between CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5 upgrades.
- *
- * Any module that provided custom buttons in CKEditor 4 should implement this
- * hook to control what happens to that button during a CKEditor 5 text format
- * upgrade.
- *
- * At the very least, it's probable that the capitalization of the button will
- * change. CKEditor 4 buttons were usually Pascal-case (such as "RemoveFormat"),
- * while CKEditor 5 buttons are usually camel-case (such as "removeFormat").
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of key-value pairs of strings.
- *
- * @see ckeditor5_upgrade_format()
- * @see hook_ckeditor5_upgrade_button_mapping_alter()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_upgrade_button_mapping() {
- return array(
- 'Maximize' => 'maximize',
- 'Cut' => NULL,
- 'Copy' => NULL,
- 'Paste' => NULL,
- );
- }
- * Modify the button mapping used between CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5 upgrades.
- *
- * @param array $button_mapping
- * An array of key-value pairs of strings, indicating CKEditor 4 to 5 button
- * names. Modified by reference.
- *
- * @see ckeditor5_upgrade_format()
- * @see hook_ckeditor5_upgrade_button_mapping()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_upgrade_button_mapping_alter(&$button_mapping) {
- $button_mapping['Maximize'] = 'maximize';
- $button_mapping['ShowBlocks'] = NULL;
- }
- * Modify a text format when it is upgraded from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5.
- *
- * This can be used to modify CKEditor settings that have changed structure
- * between CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5.
- *
- * @param stdClass $format
- * The text format after it has been upgraded to CKEditor 5. This object is
- * modified by reference.
- * @param stdClass $original_format
- * The text format before it was upgraded to CKEditor 5.
- *
- * @see ckeditor5_upgrade_format()
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_upgrade_format_alter(&$format, $original_format) {
- if (isset($format->editor_settings['plugins']['my_plugin'])) {
- $format->editor_settings['my_plugin'] = $format->editor_settings['plugins']['my_plugin'];
- unset($format->editor_settings['plugins']['my_plugin']);
- }
- }
- * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
- */
- * Enabled callback for hook_ckeditor5_plugins().
- *
- * Note: This is not really a hook. The function name is manually specified via
- * 'enabled callback' in hook_ckeditor5_plugins(), with this recommended
- * callback name pattern. It is called from ckeditor5_add_settings().
- *
- * This callback should determine if a plugin should be enabled for a CKEditor
- * instance. Plugins may be enabled based off an explicit setting, or enable
- * themselves based on the configuration of another setting, such as enabling
- * based on a particular button being present in the toolbar.
- *
- * @param object $format
- * An format object as returned by filter_format_load(). The editor's settings
- * may be found in $format->editor_settings.
- * @param string $plugin_name
- * String name of the plugin that is being checked.
- *
- * @return boolean
- * Boolean TRUE if the plugin should be enabled, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * @see hook_ckeditor5_plugins()
- * @see ckeditor5_add_settings()
- *
- * @ingroup callbacks
- */
- function hook_ckeditor5_PLUGIN_plugin_check($format, $plugin_name) {
- foreach ($format->editor_settings['toolbar']['buttons'] as $row) {
- if (in_array('Underline', $row)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }