type = layout
name = Simmons
backdrop = 1.x

; Specify regions for this layout.
regions[header]     = Header
regions[top]        = Top
regions[content]    = Content
regions[sidebar]    = First Sidebar
regions[sidebar2]   = Second Sidebar
regions[third1]     = Triptych First
regions[third2]     = Triptych Second
regions[third3]     = Triptych Third
regions[quarter1]   = Quarter First
regions[quarter2]   = Quarter Second
regions[quarter3]   = Quarter Third
regions[quarter4]   = Quarter Fourth
regions[bottom]     = Bottom
regions[footer]     = Footer

; The default region automatically receives the "Main Content" block if needed.
default region = content

; Preview
preview = simmons.png

; Include the Bootstrap4 Grid System
libraries[] = bootstrap4-gs

; Include file for special preprocessing of this layout's variables.
file = simmons.php

; Default stylesheets for this layout
; stylesheets[all][] = simmons.css

