1 config.inc public Config::getTranslated($key = '', $args = array(), $options = array())

Gets translated data from this configuration object.


string $key: A string that maps to a key within the configuration data. For instance in the following configuration array:

    'foo' => array(
      'bar' => 'baz',

A key of 'foo.bar' would return the string 'baz'. However, a key of 'foo' would return array('bar' => 'baz'). If no key is specified, then an empty string is returned. If the key is not 'translatable' key then the original string is returned. If the key's value is not a string then an empty string is returned.

array $args: An associative array of replacements to make. Replacements are made in the same way as the t() function.

array $options: An associative array of additional options, with the following elements:

  • 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): The language code to translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
  • 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source string belongs to.

Return value

string|NULL: The translated data that was requested.

See also




core/includes/config.inc, line 806
This is the API for configuration storage.


Defines the default configuration object.


public function getTranslated($key = '', $args = array(), $options = array()) {
  if (empty($key)) {
    return NULL;
  $value = $this->get($key);
  if (!is_string($value)) {
    return NULL;
  if (!is_array($this->get('_config_translatables'))) {
    return $value;
  // Ensure that it's a translatable key.
  if (!in_array($key, $this->get('_config_translatables'))) {
    return $value;
  // Set a default context so we can differentiate between config strings.
  // Rather than by using isset() or empty(), checking by key existence
  // allows a NULL context to be used.
  if (!array_key_exists('context', $options)) {
    $options['context'] = 'config:' . $this->getName() . ':' . $key;
  return t($value, $args, $options);