1 backup.mysql.inc | protected BackupMySql::query($query, array $args = array(), array $options = array(), $from = NULL, $count = NULL) |
Run a query on this destination's database using Backdrop's MySQL engine.
string $query: The query string.
array $args: Arguments for the query.
array $options: Options to pass to the query.
int|null $from: The starting point for the query; when passed will perform a queryRange() method instead of a regular query().
int|null $count: The number of records to obtain from this query. Will be ignored if the $from argument is empty.
See also
- core/
includes/ backup/ backup.mysql.inc, line 423 - Contains the BackupMySQL class.
- BackupMySql
- Creates and restores backups from a MySQL database source.
protected function query($query, array $args = array(), array $options = array(), $from = NULL, $count = NULL) {
if ($connection = $this->getDatabaseConnection()) {
// If no $from is passed in, just do a basic query.
if (is_null($from)) {
return $connection->query($query, $args, $options);
// The $from variable was passed in, so do a ranged query.
else {
return $connection->queryRange($query, $from, $count, $args, $options);
return NULL;