Functions that perform an action on a certain system object.

Action functions are declared by modules by implementing hook_action_info(). Modules can run action functions to run by calling action_execute().

Each action function takes two arguments:

  • $entity: The object that the action acts on, such as a node, comment, or user.
  • $context: An array of information passed by reference that includes information about the current action execution, including the following keys:

    • action_name: The name of the action being executed.
    • action_info: The definition of the action being executed, as provided by hook_action_info().
    • redirect: A path to which the user should be redirected after the action is complete. This can be used to direct the user to a configuration form to configure the action or ask for confirmation.

End of "defgroup actions".


core/includes/, line 7
This is the actions engine for executing stored actions.


Namesort descending Location Description
actions_execute core/includes/ Executes a single action.
comment_publish_action core/modules/comment/comment.module Publishes a comment.
comment_unpublish_action core/modules/comment/comment.module Unpublishes a comment.
file_delete_action core/modules/file/ Queues a file for deletion.
hook_action_info core/modules/system/system.api.php Declares information about actions.
hook_action_info_alter core/modules/system/system.api.php Alters the actions declared by another module.
node_delete_action core/modules/node/ Queues a node for deletion.
node_make_sticky_action core/modules/node/ Sets the sticky-at-top-of-list property of a node to 1.
node_make_unsticky_action core/modules/node/ Sets the sticky-at-top-of-list property of a node to 0.
node_promote_action core/modules/node/ Sets the promote property of a node to 1.
node_publish_action core/modules/node/ Sets the status of a node to 1 (published).
node_unpromote_action core/modules/node/ Sets the promote property of a node to 0.
node_unpublish_action core/modules/node/ Sets the status of a node to 0 (unpublished).
user_add_role_action core/modules/user/ Adds a role to a user account.
user_block_user_action core/modules/user/ Blocks a specific user account.
user_cancel_user_action core/modules/user/ Queues a specific user account for cancellation.
user_remove_role_action core/modules/user/ Removes a role from a user account.
user_unblock_user_action core/modules/user/ Unblocks a specific user account.